In of Loy Norrix Marching Band history, they took an out-of-city trip to Mackinaw City and Island. The purpose: to march the memorial parade in Mackinaw City on Saturday, May 23 2015.

To begin the experience, we left by a charter bus on Friday, May 22 2015 at 7 in the morning. Everyone was excited to travel to Mackinaw Island and so was I. I have never been to Mackinaw Island, but I have been in Mackinaw City before, during The National Summer Transportation Institute Experience (a link that talks about it). It was a good thing that I brought my GoPro camera with to video tape the experience of my trip. I try to take as many photos and videos with my camera as I can, but I was not able to record a drum major experience in the Mackinaw City Memorial Day Parade. It was my first time in using a selfie-stick, so when you see the videos and photos, just know that it was my first time using it.

Not all of the videos are able to be uploaded because of the video size. The ones above are videos of the band riding the ferry to Mackinaw Island. Three other videos that are not uploaded are me showing you the Mackinaw Bridge, a scene of the Arch Rock on the island, and a view of the town.

I have other photos that I took with my cell phone during the trip. Here you go.

We only stayed in a hotel for one night. It was a good thing that it wasn’t freezing cold there, just windy. So windy that seagulls could not fly. Overall, it was a great experience with the band. To me, it is an end of the year treat for our hard work in the band. I hope that we could do something similar next year.

Well thank you for your time reading this post and make sure that you enjoy and use every moment of you life. Peace out brothers and sisters. –MNM

Machinaw Island photo credit: