Howdy there brothers and sisters. How is life going? I hope your life is going well and that you are enjoying it every moment of it. For the past two weeks, I have been doing tests, practicing my saxophone, learning Japanese, watched the Mythbusters at Western Michigan University, listened to Western senior recitals, and playing in two concerts in one day. You get the idea.

Here in Michigan, we have this test called the M-Step that all juniors are required to take to graduate. It is the first year to do and personally, I don’t like it. It is basically a test on the computer. Almost every Wednesday (for 5 weeks) we take this test.

Music has been a part of me since I played the xylophones in elementary school. Now, I am in the high school jazz and concert band playing the saxophone (the alto and tenor saxophone) and attending performances that I was invited by some of my good friends in college and high school. Today (April 23, 2015) has been nothing but music. The jazz band performed at the Thornapple Jazz Festival in the morning and performed with the concert band at my high school, Loy Norrix in the evening. It was enjoyable and nothing but smiles.

On April 17, a friend and I went to Western Michigan University Miller Auditorium to watch the Mythbusters perform LIVE! It was a dream come true, a dream that I was dreaming since I was in middle school: to see the Mythbusters before I die. While, there, I took some pictures on my phones of their performance. You could see just three of the 27 pictures that I took. Sorry for the bad quality.

That is what I have been doing. There is more to come in the future. For example, my dad and I are going to run the Illinois half-marathon on April 25. I am both excited and a tiny bit nervous about this race. We will see how I will do since I have not been training as much I want to. Wish my luck. I will give you an update on it this weekend.

Well thank you for your time into reading this post and make sure that you enjoy and use every moment  of your life. Peace out brothers and sisters. –MNM